RTNCG before 1950: further reading
This page has a few references for the mini series of lectures given in
September and October 2022. This is not at all meant to be exhaustive.
General references
- G. Mackey, Harmonic analysis as the exploitation of symmetry: a
historical survey; Bull. AMS (NS), Vol. 3, N. 1 (1980), pp.
- J. Dieudonné, History of functional analysis, North-Holland,
See in particular Chapter VII, "Spectral Theory after 1900"
Lecture 1: compact groups in the 1920s
Original papers (selected)
- F. Peter and H. Weyl, Die Vollständigkeit der primitiven Darstellungen
einer geschlossenen kontinuirlicher Gruppe, Math. Ann. 97 (1927), pp.
- English
translation of the Peter--Weyl paper. (This was done rather
quickly and my German is not good: use at your own risk!)
- D. Hilbert, Grunzüge einer allgemeinen Theorie der
Integralgleichungen, 1912.
Book edition of Hilbert's papers on integral equations. Hilbert wrote a
preface with a summary of the results.
- F. Riesz, Les systèmes d'équations linéaires à une infinité
d'inconnues, 1913.
Riesz's presentation of Hilbert–Schmidt spectral theory.
- F. Riesz, Über lineare Funktionalgleichungen, Acta Math. 41
(1916), pp.71—98.
The fundamental paper by F. Riesz on compact operators.
History books or articles
- T. Hawkins, Emergence of the theory of Lie groups, An
essay in the history of mathematics 1869–1926,
Springer, 2000.
This is a magnificent book. Chapters 9 to 12 cover a very large portion
of what I said in the first lecture, and much more.
- A. Borel, Essays in the History of Lie Groups and Algebraic
Groups, AMS/LMS History of Mathematics, vol. 21, 2001.
Chapter III, Hermann Weyl and Lie groups, is a very good
source for Weyl's 1925 memoirs on semisimple Lie groups
- C. Curtis, Pioneers of Representation Theory: Frobenius,
Burnside, Schur and Brause , AMS/LMS History of Mathematics,
vol.15, 1999
A good source for the work of Frobenius and Schur on finite groups
- H. Weyl, David Hilbert and his mathematical work, Bull.
Amer. Math. Soc. 50 (1944), pp. 612–654.
A mathematical obituary of Hilbert by Weyl. The article is reproduced at
the end of the book by C. Reid cited below.
- C. Reid, Hilbert, Springer, 1970.
A classic and lively biography of Hilbert, for all the nonmathematical
- N. Bourbaki, Éléments d'histoire des mathématiques, Springer,
The Bourbaki books usually come with historical notes. Relevant to our
story are: the note on Noncommutative algebra, that on Topological
vector spaces, and that on Haar measure and convolution.
- C. Chevalley and A. Weil, Hermann Weyl, Enseign. Math. 3
(3), pp. 157--187
Lecture 2: abelian locally compact groups in the 1930s
Original papers (selected)
- A. Weil, L'intégration dans les groupes topologiques et ses
applications, Paris (Hermann), 1940
Weil's monograph contains a synthesis of virtually all the results
available at the time of writing, ca. 1936. It is still a very good read
- A. Haar, Der Massbegriff in der Theorie der Kontinuirlichen Gruppen,
Ann. of Math. (2) 34 (1933), no. 1, pp. 147–169
The paper which introduced Haar measure for second countable locally
compact groups
- L. Pontryagin, Les fonctions presque périodiques et l'analysis
situs, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 196 (1933), pp. 1201–1203
This is Pontryagin's short note on almost periodic functions mentioned
in my talk, building on work of Stepanoff and Tychonov (same CRAS
volume, pp. 199–201)
- L. Pontryagin, The theory of topological commutative groups,
Ann. of Math. (2) 35 (1934), no. 4, pp. 361–388
This is the fundamental paper by Pontryagin on duality between compact
and discrete groups, and structure of certain locally compact abelian
- E. van Kampen, Locally bicompact abelian groups and their
character groups, Ann. of Math. (2) 36 (1935), pp. 448–463
This is van Kampen's generalization of Pontryagin duality to all (second
countable) locally compact abelian groups
- E. van Kampen, Almost periodic functions and compact groups, Ann.
of Math. (2) 37 (1936), pp. 78–91
Contains van Kampen's results on Bohr compactifications (see also Weil's
book above)
- A. Weil, Sur les fonctions presque périodiques, C. R. Acad.
Sci Paris 200 (1935), pp. 38–40
This is Weil's note introducing the Bohr compactification; see also his
1940 book, and his talk in the Séminaire Julia cited below.
- N. Wiener, Tauberian theorems, Ann. of Math. (2) 33 (1932),
pp. 1–100.
Wiener's famous paper on tauberian theorems, with the lemma about
absolutely convergent Fourier series for 1/f as Lemma IIe.
- R.E.A.C. Paley and N. Wiener, Analytic properties of the
characters of abelian groups, Proc. ICM 1932 (Zurich), p. 95.
- Séminaire de mathématiques dit Julia, 1934--1936, proceedings, ,
edited by Michèle Audin (link)
This is a kind of ancestor to the Bourbaki seminar, run by the young
people who were just then founding the Bourbaki group. (Gaston Julia had
agreed to sign his name so that they could book a classroom.) The talks
were on mathematical actuality, and were written up. Several of
them are very good expositions of some of the papers that are relevant
to us (Henri Cartan on the Riesz paper on positive-definite
functions, Claude Chevalley on Pontryagin duality, André Weil on
almost periodic functions...).
History books or articles
- J. Stewart, Positive-definite functions and
generalizations, a historical survey, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 6
(1976), no. 3, pp. 409–434.
A good reference for the theory of positive-definite sequences and
functions from 1910 to 1932.
- G. Mackey, Harmonic analysis as the exploitation of symmetry: a
historical survey, see general references above.
- G. Mackey, Harmonic analysis and unitary group representations:
the development from 1927 to 1950, Cahiers du séminaire
d'histoire des mathématiques, 2è série, t. 2 (1992), pp. 13–42.
A good complement to the monograph-sized paper of Mackey mentioned
Lecture 3: Beginnings of operator algebras
Original papers (selected)
- I. M. Gelfand, Collected works, 3 volumes, Springer, 1987
In Gelfand's collected works, papers have been sorted by theme.
The operator algebra papers are in Volume 1, and the papers on general
representation theory are at the beginning of Volume 2.
- J.von Neumann, Zur Algebra der Funktionaloperationen und Theorie
der normalen Operatoren, Math. Ann. 102 (1929), pp.370–427
This is von Neumann's paper on the spectral theorem for normal
operators, with detailed discussion of the weakly closed
*-subalgebra generated by a set of operators
- F. Murray and J. von Neumann, On rings of operators, Ann.
of Math. (2) 37 (1936), pp.6–120
The first paper in the ``Rings of operators'' series
- M. Stone, Linear transformations in Hilbert space and their
applications to analysis, AMS, 1932
The book which ended up on the Chief Justice's desk
- M. Stone, Applications of the theory of Boolean rings to general
topology, Trans. AMS 41 (1937), pp.375–481
Contains the theorem about ideals in a Boolean algebra of functions on a
locally compact space
- S. Mazur, Sur les anneaux linéaires, C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris
207 (1938), pp.1025–1027
The original paper containing the Gelfand–Mazur theorem (but no proof)
- I. Segal, The group algebra of a locally compact group,
Trans. AMS 61 (1947), pp. 69–105
One of Segal's twin papers on locally compact groups and C*-algebras
- I. Segal, Irreducible representations of operator algebras,
Bull. AMS 53(2) (1947), pp. 73–88
Segal's other paper in the twin series on locally compact groups and
Lecture 4: Representations of noncompact groups
Original papers (selected)
- E. Wigner, On unitary representations of the inhomogeneous
Lorentz group, Ann. of Math. (2) 40 (1939), pp. 149–204
- The Gelfand–Raikov paper on positive-definite functions, and the
Gelfand–Naimark paper on SL(2,C),
are (translated) in Volume 2 of Gelfand's collected works (see above)
- Harish-Chandra, Infinite unitary representations of the Lorentz
group , Proc. Roy. Soc. London A 189 (1947), pp.372–401
This is more or less Harish-Chandra's thesis, back when he was a
- V. Bargmann, Irreducible unitary representations of the Lorentz
group, Ann. of Math. (2) 48 (1947), pp. 568–640
- R. Godement, Sur les relations d'orthogonalité de Bargmann,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 225 (1947), pp. 657–659
One of Godement's notes defining square-integrable representations in
History books or articles
- G. Mackey, Harmonic analysis as the exploitation of symmetry: a
historical survey, see general references above.
- G. Mackey, Harmonic analysis and unitary group representations:
the development from 1927 to 1950, Cahiers du séminaire
d'histoire des mathématiques, 2è série, t. 2 (1992), pp. 13–42.